Monday, March 26, 2012

Boston Marathon...And The Countdown Begins

Three weeks from right now, right now, I will be running my first Boston Marathon.

So what's the big deal? It's just another marathon. And yet I'm slipping into obsession. 

This happens sometimes once the so-called 'taper' begins. After spending so much time running, suddenly you find 'extra' time on your hands, and that time seems to get consumed, at least for me, with thoughts of marathon...marathon...marathon. And with Boston it's worse. All the videos out there. All the advice, blogs, facebook posts...on and on. There's no escaping the insanity, the hype. It's distracting me from my work (I have PILES of exams to grade by tomorrow) yet here I sit ruminating. It's distracting me from all the other things I should be thinking about and doing.

And this week isn't even much of a taper. I have a half marathon on Sunday with some extra miles tacked on for good measure, and my weekly mileage will still be reasonable. But at this point I know that I've done my last long run, 24 miles this past Saturday, and so the hardest part of training, physically speaking, is behind me. But now comes the difficult mental (as in - am I becoming a "mental case") time.  By next week,when I really do start to cut back, I expect all heck to break loose, because then the taper really begins.

For now I'm surfing Youtube 'Boston Marathon'  videos while my daughter watches Sesame Street.

This is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better...



    Hoping the above link scores you a photo of something I proudly wore during my first visit there in the 70s.

    1. Explain the back story here, please. I see the photo, but I don't know the story behind it.

    2. It was a tourism promotional campaign for people to visit the city. I wasn't there as a tourist, just visiting a few friends. Fell in love with Boston (and a few pubs there) and wore the button for weeks after. After the marathon, you'll know Boston better than most people! Sending good energy and wishes your way as the days count down.

    3. I lived in Maine for many years, so I know Boston a bit, though running through a city is always the best way to get to know it. I look for ward to getting to know Boston a bit more.

  2. I'd never thought about the time factor during taper weeks. I've learned a lot reading your blog, and am really impressed that you've pushed through so much this year while you've trained for Boston. I'm just returning from injury after two months off the road. Brutal. Here's to having many positive distractions between now and Boston!

    1. Right now it's mostly the unpleasant distractions that seem to demand my attention - like all the work I've allowed to slide over the past weeks. Gotta get those resolved first, then perhaps I can move on to better things.

  3. Oh yes! So hard to not get caught up in the Boston hype! But it's the mecca for runners!!! I'll be thinking of you as I suffer through taper as well. Boston, here we come!

    1. What wave/bib number are you? I'm sure you're way ahead of me but perhaps we can find each other during that long wait in the athlete's village ;) I'm wave 3 - yea, last! coral 2. bib #19661.

    2. I'm in wave 2. #13502. Yes, we should find each other since we will have plenty of time!

    3. Let's be in touch! Are we fb friends? I never know given people's "blog names" ;) Can't keep everyone straight. BTW, I run the Cottontail trail several times a week. How did you get from the Rez to the CT Trail? Just curious if you know of a secret way ;) (this of course should be a comment left on your blog!)


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