The Long Run Coaching


USA Track & Field (USATF) 
Certified Coach 
L2: Endurance, Sprints, Hurdles, Relays, Youth
L3: Endurance

L1 Instructor

L5: Elite Coaching, Endurance

Road Runners Club of America  (RRCA)
Certified Running Coach

Lydiard Foundation  
Certified Running Coach L1 & L2

For more information, please visit us at: 
The Long Run Coaching


In running we each set our own goals. We come to running with different backgrounds, different strengths and weaknesses, different demands on our mind, body, and time. Each runner must have a plan that takes into account these variables. A one-size-fits-all training program rarely brings optimal results.

Whether you are just beginning to see yourself as a runner, looking for a new challenge, a new mom trying to return to an active life, a masters runner wishing to remain competitive, or a seasoned competitor looking to overcome a plateau, we will examine your goals, your background, your time commitments and pressures. We will set realistic goals and map out a training plan tailored to your goals and your schedule. My aim is "real life" coaching - balancing all the important things in life while achieving personal satisfaction and excellence.



Find us on Facebook: The-Kids-Running-Project!


Supplementary Exercises:


What you need: Dumb bells, small gym ball

How to Do the Basic Abdominal Crunch
Variation 1: the basics:
·         Lie on your back, bend your knees, ball in the small of your back, placing your hands on the sides of your head or crossed over your chest (easier).
·         Contract your abs – that means – SUCK YOUR BELLY BUTTON INTO YOUR SPINE – okay not really, but try ;)
·         Slowly lift your shoulder blades one or two inches up, curling into your stomach. Keep the movements small.
·         Exhale as you lift, keep your neck straight and chin up.
·         Slowly lower while keeping your abs contracted until you are slightly arched over the ball.
·         Repeat up for 60 secs. (as you get stronger this will increase to 90 secs)
Rest for 30-60 secs. Just rest on your elbows. When you get stronger you’ll be able to rest “hovering” back against the ball and now elbow support.
Variation 2: Same as above but with a twist:

·          Do the above but with each rep turn your trunk/shoulders to the right…down…left…down and repeat for a 60 secs.

Rest 30-60 secs

Variation 3: Double Twist

·         Begin as above but now lift, turn right, left, center, down. For 60 seconds.

Rest 30-60 sec.

Variation 4: More Twist Love ;)

·         Now go: right, left, right, left center, down. For 60 secs.

Variation 5: Crunch with straight legs – lower abs

·         Now repeat variation 1 with legs out straight in front of you, for 60 secs.
Roll on to your stomach, rest on your elbow and stretch for a couple minutes.

V- sit up

Variation 1: the basics
  • Begin in a seated position, contract your abdominal muscles and core (suck belly button into spine), and lift your legs up to a 45-degree angle.
  • Try to balance on your butt bones ;) bend your knees to help. And keep you back straight (don’t allow your back/stomach to cave in). If you need to let your feet touch the floor to keep your back, that’s fine to start.
  • Maintain good core posture and a strong spine.
  • Hold this "V" position for several seconds to begin. As you get stronger, hold the position longer.
  • Return to your starting position slowly.
  • Just before you reach the floor, stop and hold the position for a few seconds.
  • Repeat this entire movement several times.
Variation 2: With One dumb bell
·         Repeat the above, but this time holding a dumb bell with both hands.
·         Hold V and twist, right-center-left-center. 60 secs.
Variation 3: With dumb bells
·         Repeat the above but now hold a dumb bell in each arm and while in the position (remember to keep the belly button sucked in) do 10 bicep curls per arm. (choose your weight – I’d try starting with 5lbs)
Triceps Extensions

Hold your arm against your body. The upper arm should not move with this exercise.

·         Standing, place one foot in front, front knee bent, back leg straight and extended, trunk straight and leaning forward 9suck that belly button in ;)
·         Support yourself with your hand on your knee if necessary
·         Take dumb bell in opposite hand.
·         Raise arm, elbow kept against your side (ribs).
·         Raise dumb bell to full elbow extension.
·         Repeat 15 times (to start).
·         On last one, hold the extension. Gently ‘pulse’ arm laterally for 30 secs.
·         Repeat on other side

Finding Your Strengths and Working Your Weaknesses

A Facebook friend recently posted a comment/question about the difficulty of determining one's best distance. This got me thinking: I believe this issue, of finding what one is truly good at goes to the heart of much in life, including running.

When I was in 5th grade I remember trying to earn a badge for the President's Physical Fitness Test. It was this experience that made me all too aware of what my strengths and weaknesses were, and still are. At that age I had no concept of inborn propensities or talents, but I soon learned that there were some things that came to me more easily than others.

Take, for example, the 50 yard dash and the 600 yard dash (Yes, this was so long ago that we ran yards not meters). My memory of the 50 yard dash goes something like this: Lots of kids lined up across the track. The gym teacher says "Ready, set, GO!" - and off we go. Or, at least everyone else goes. It seems, if memory serves me, that all the other kids were crossing the finish line while I was still pushing off at the start. I'm really not exaggerating here! I really sucked at the 50 yard dash. Next, I found myself starting, shoulder to shoulder, with the other kids for the 600 yard dash. Here's how this memory plays back: We start, the others take off like a shot while I do my darnedest to keep up, but then something truly unexpected happens - the other kids start slowing down, but I don't. I just keep plugging away at it, feeling good, passing one gasping runner after another until, miracle of miracles, I'm in the lead. And that's how the race goes. Hmmmm. I think this should tell me something. Today I remember that experience as formative for me as a runner. I knew from that day forward that I could not run fast, but I could run for a long time. I understood something about myself that I did not know when I woke up that morning.

So here I am many many years later still well aware of this fact - one of the few truths I'm fairly certain I know about myself. In other areas of life it is not so clear and simple discovering what one is naturally best at or drawn to. However, there's a catch to all of this. While it's all well and good to work and maximize one's strengths, often we improve the most by working our weaknesses. Again, this doesn't just apply to running - it applies to careers, relationships, parenting, friendships, and on and on. I know that I often get in my own way. The problem here is that it's rather unpleasant to work on the things you are not good at. I'd much rather go for a cruising 20 mile run than run 6 half-mile repeats at 3k-5k pace. I dread half-mile repeats. Why? Because I suck at them and because they hurt. But at some point, when we really desire to push ourselves, to see how fast we can run a particular distance, to beat or best ourselves, we must acknowledge that it is probably our weaknesses, not our strengths, that make the crucial difference.

So, what will I be doing this coming week?: One session of half-mile repeats. And, I really will be a better runner, and perhaps a better person, for it.

Video: The First 15 Minutes

The best post-run practices to maximize recovery
Masters coach Pete Magill and star runner Grace Padilla demonstrate a 15-minute post-run routine guaranteed to leave you fully recovered from today's workout and ready to run again tomorrow. Says Magill, "If people just did the towel toe curls, IT band stretch, and Daydreamer, their lives would be so much better!"  ~ Running Times
By Pete Magill 


Video: Masters Stars Demonstrate Running Form Drills

Learn to run like a kid again
Here are a few simple (and a few not-so-simple) running technique drills that will improve your running form. The drills focus on exaggerating certain parts of the running gait to help build a stronger, more fluid stride. ~ Running Times
By Pete Magill 


Why Train With Heart Rate

Everyone Seems to be Looking for "Motivation"...

  "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going" ~ Jim Ryun It's January. For many of us that means cold...